Friday, 2 May 2014

Favourite Friday- iPhone App Edition

Hey everyone!
I can’t believe the weekend is here already!
Today was such a nice day. I went to bingo with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law for her 18th birthday! I had never been to bingo before (the last time I played was 12 years old during French week in school). It was so much fun! It’s a whole other world at bingo; people take their bingo playing quite seriously, and I was surprised at how many people were there (it was only 2:00). At first I had a hard time figuring it all out, but once I got the hang of it I loved every minute of it!

After today’s entertainment and after doing a bit more packing, I realized that I almost forgot about Favourite Friday!

 Today’s Favourite Friday post is all about iPhone Apps. I must admit that I am addicted to my iPhone. There is so much to do on it, so many updates from social apps, and there are so many different games to occupy your time. 

Here are a few of my favourite apps that I have on my phone:

Favourite Friday- iPhone App Edition

I love this app because it helps me keep track what I am eating and also what vitamins I’ve taken. It also allows you to track how much water you’ve consumed, and it has a diet option to calculate how many calories you require in a day. It’s a great, easy tool that I have become dependent on.

This app is great for any pictures you want to edit or revamp. My brother had originally informed me of this app, and it’s a great tool to have if you take lots of pictures like I do. J

Web MD
I LOVE this app. For any ailment or health concern, there is a symptom checker that will narrow down any possible conditions. It’s easy to navigate around and is also very informative.

This app is so much fun! What’s so cool about this app is that there are many different games that improve cognitive ability, and they’re SO much fun! This app is great when you need a distraction.

Let me know what iPhone apps are your favourite! :) 


1 comment:

  1. I love Aviary, I always use it for my instagram pictures. :)
