Saturday, 8 March 2014

St. Patty's Day is Just Around the Corner!

Hey everyone! Hopefully you are enjoying the start of the weekend!

The hubby and I have a busy weekend ahead to prep the house from the move, but I will be getting a break from that once my best friend Natalie comes over later on for some girl time and wine! J What will you guys be doing this weekend?

On a side note, I’m SO excited because St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner!! I especially love this holiday because I have a bit of Irish blood in me. I love the green décor that goes with the holiday, and the fun events that come with it. Unfortunately since we are moving, I won’t be putting up any of my decorations L…but I can definitely make some green food items to celebrate! Cake Whiz’s site has a great compilation of sweet treats from other websites that are perfect for St. Patrick’s celebrations! I really want to make number 3 and number 12! They look so yummy!!

Check them out, and let me know which one’s you want to try!


  1. I want to try #2 and #6. Awesome post, I love St Pattys day.

  2. I'm going to try 1 and 3, yumm!!!!!!!!!!!!
